Autorisations security

Mastering user access rights enables to avoid a risk of error but also of fraud. Indeed, access control allows to control data integrity and confidentiality. Limiting user access to the exact needs and making sure the access is reviewed regularly is also important.

The authorization and security experts at ArtimIS bring key knowledge to our customers in order to support them from the authorization audit phase to the implementation phase of fully integrated SAP Authorization solutions complying with cross system SoD requirements including compliance related topics like GDPR.

ArtimIS offers the following:

  • Review and implementation of roles management and maintenance processes including rôle model design, access granting to end users including security best practices much needed to keep your systems clean.

  • Review of roles and access granted in ERPs like SAP, ORACLE & WorkDay
  • Implémentation d’une solution autorisations à l’aide de l’accélérateur ASAP (ArtimIS SAP Authorization Pack) optimisant les phases d’audit/cadrage, de conception et de réalisation des rôles
  • Maintenance of the autorisation solution in Neashore mode thanks to our Tunis office.